Wanna dig deeper?  Listen in!
Languages & Libraries
A resource to help figure out what JavaScript object method would be best to use at any given time.  See her Array Explorer as well.
The big feature in Elixir v1.6 is the addition of a code formatter and an accompanying mix format task that adds automatic formatting to your projects.

On the Server
This article will teach you how my software engineering teams have learned to cut through the lies and uncover the glorious truth that your metrics are begging to tell you.
On the Front-End
Fitting research into agile teams.

A free book on modern image optimization techniques. Formats, decoders, techniques for efficient compression and more are covered.

How to easily launch a temporary one-off git server from any local repository, to enable a peer-to-peer git workflow.

Grasp is a command line utility that allows you to search and replace your JavaScript code - but unlike programs such as grep or sed, it searches the structure behind your code (the abstract syntax tree), rather than simply the text you've written.
A list of extensions/plugins that highlight matching parens/braces for various editors/IDEs.

People & Process
A studio isn’t a factory. It’s when peers come together to do creative work, to amplify each other and to make change happen. That can happen in any organization, but it takes commitment.
Reasons People Won't Try Something New.

Onboarding is setting up a person to work productively on your team.
Learning & Growth

Our brains are naturally limited. This can be a curse, or it can be a gift, depending on how you look at it.

Worth a Listen
Molmol and Zach, the wife and husband coding team, give us a solid intro to Augmented Reality and how they've built powerful experiences and beautiful stories using AR tools.
Other Cool Stuff

Artwork is the first instance of personalizing not just what we recommend but also how we recommend.

How far ahead of Apple Maps is Google Maps?

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