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Languages & Libraries
Next week, we are going to relicense our open source projects React, Jest, Flow, and Immutable.js under the MIT license. We're relicensing these projects because React is the foundation of a broad ecosystem of open source software for the web, and we don't want to hold back forward progress for nontechnical reasons.
If you didn’t know already, we’re planning on releasing a 7.0 version soon 🙌 !

When I first started learning Elixir, one of the first things I learned is how to get into the command line interface via IEx. Here are the things I wish I knew then that I know now.
I've been thinking about how applications evolve, and what we might do if we're unhappy with the results.  Three apparently unrelated ideas have been percolating in my head.
On the Server

Three ways to avoid performance issues with GraphQL in your Rails app, as well as a tool to help monitor queries being executed against your GraphQL API.

Elixir Tracing Framework

On the Front-End

My current "investment thesis" is that what we call web frameworks aretransforming from runtime libraries into optimizing compilers. When it comes toeking performance out of hand-authored JavaScript and accompanying runtimelibraries, we've reached the point of diminishing returns.

Atom's linter-eslint can now ignore fixable rules while you're typing.  Pairs well with "Fix errors on save."

Slack today introduced shared channels, a way for companies to create ongoing joint chatrooms to do business together.
People & Process

FineTune CTO Kwan Lee sits down for a 'pick your brain' meeting with GitLab CEO Sid Sijbrandij.

Cynthia Maxwell has led engineering teams at Slack, Apple, Yahoo! and Pinterest. Here's the management framework that's become one of the most powerful resources in her toolkit.

Learning & Growth
What have you learned after working at Facebook for almost two years? Have you grown as a developer and what are some of the key takeaways?

Design Patterns and Refactoring articles and guides. Design Patterns video tutorials for newbies. Simple descriptions and full source code examples in Java, C++, C#, PHP and Delphi.

Must See
Michael Jackson, creator of the React Router library, gives this talk where he says a component with a render prop or children prop as renderer can do anything an HoC (Higher Order Component) can do, and more.
Other Cool Stuff
What if you could see sounds? Apple's AR Kit visualizes them in space.

If Apple can make Siri sound less like a robot and more like someone you know and trust, it can make the virtual assistant great—even when it fails.

Did you find something really interesting? Reply to this email with a link, stupid GIF, or insight. You may find it in a future issue.
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